We may as well argue about something new.. here’s some end of season grades…

Seems like yesterday I was doing the 22-23 grades, in which I got some flack for thinking Harry Vaughan was the second coming of Jarod Bowen, but here we are. A season that divided fans, somewhere between progress and improvement and an opportunity lost, it just seems to depend on your perspective. From a personal point of view coaching has meant that most of my City input has disappointingly been on a screen, I hope to correct this more next season. However, with the Sky games covering quite a bit and a few tenner payments to the club I think I’ve got enough covered to summarise the players and outcomes. Perhaps it’s a blessed relief I wasn’t about as the last game I saw was the turgid 1-0 defeat against 1-man Sunderland on Boxing Day… maybe it’s best with my record if I keep a low profile! I’ve only done the main appearance makers in my grades as if I tried everyone, I’ll be writing when we kick off next season..

As ever, thanks for reading, give me a like or a comment or a retweet, it would be really appreciated. It’s a big summer for the club now, and one that will surely definitively indicate if we’re going to seriously pursue promotion to the top league. I’m not entirely sure if it’s a “promised land” anymore, but that’s another debate. Have a relaxing and safe off-season folks and I hope to see slightly more of you next year.



Matt Ingram B- 

Matt did Matt things pre-Allsop coming in. Solid enough, if not inspirational. Ended up not on the bench because of Pandur coming in. Can’t see him being here going forward. Thanks for the promotion Matt and keep that military haircut forever.

Ryan Allsop C-

Clear why Ryan was brought in, his feet and comfort on the ball helped us play out, he clearly had the trust of the former manager, but clearly not the fans. There were some very good saves and highlights and it’s arguable we were better out from the back with him in. However, there were simply too many soft, near post and save-able goals. It happened too often. With the change in manager it’s got to be less than likely that Allsop is the starter next year.


Lewis Coyle B+

 I did ponder an A grade for him. I’d say this has been his best season in the shirt. He seems like a lot of players from yesteryear that are remembered fondly (See Andy Dawson) to simply grow with the team. Incredible fitness and ability to cover ground goes a long way. Sometimes like any full back he could have a tough time with talented opposition, but you could judge Lewis by when he didn’t play, we missed him. With the perhaps inevitable departure of Jacob Greaves, Lewis is now the absolute leader of this team, that’s not a bad starting point.

Alfie Jones B

Alfie is low key one of the players at City I really like. He adjusts to the new style, he’s dependable and consistent. A solid 7 out of ten most games. Again, like others he had his wobbles but the question will be to find him a partner to replace Greaves, rather than move on from him. I like lots of others hope that might be Ronnie Edwards at Peterborough.

Jacob Greaves A-

Doesn’t football just break your heart? The young man we saw grow and grow since the league one title is probably ready to fly the nest. Can we begrudge him? No, but we can just hope he signs for a club worthy of his talent. He was a tower of strength all season. Not perfect, but boy was he strong. Came out with the ball to good effect, a couple of very important goals. Setting the tone and fulfilling the role as good as any of the greats. When my southern premier league mates ask, I describe him as a poor mans John Stones, which almost seems harsh on him, he’s graceful, his timing is immense and that left foot is not a centre backs. Let’s hope he goes on to greatness.

Matty Jacob B

We spent half the season looking for a good left back when one was right under our noses. Sure, he’s not the attacking force that Ryan Giles is, but with financial pressures in other positions it’s a no brainer to stick with the Yorkshire born defender. Was solid overall, very good in the air, and stuck to the plan of the passing philosophy. Hopefully he grows as we do.

Sean McLaughlin C

A big decision is in the offing for Sean. I don’t see him being a starter in this line up, and he’s only 27. He’s an able lad and it might be the right decision for him to think career first. Came in on occasion and wasn’t awful. Does he lack the pace to play in the current team? Perhaps. Again, if he does move on, he’ll go with fond memories and good wishes from the fans and club.

Ryan Giles C

Looked lovely on the ball and a threat on the counter attack. Had some iffy moments defending, then got hurt, lost his place and didn’t get it back. I think most of us would give a hard pass to paying 4 or 5 million quid to retain his services.

Ruben Vinagre C-

Pacey and dangerous. Hamstrings like paper mache. Off to Italy he went.

Cyrus Christie C- Didn’t look the same player as last year. A shame, did age catch up with him? Can’t imagine he’ll be here next season.


Ozan Tufan B+

Such a good story. From Watford cast off to the great entertainer. He’s a joy to watch in full flight as well as being a match winner. Got in the best nick we’ve seen him and reaped the rewards. Like many mercurial talents throughout the years Ozan is a big fan favourite. He’s a reason to pay the admissions fee. Hope he continues his journey with us.

Tyler Morton B

Played very well. Neat feet, clever on the ball and able to get himself out of tricky situations. Had the odd game where he faded and didn’t make a strong enough impression but overall, I don’t think many of us would mind a second dance. Strongly represented the way Liam Rosenior wanted to play football, I think his coming back would very much depend on the appointment made.

Jean Michel Seri B

He is a classy old boy is Mr Seri. Still rats around and presses well over short distances, he allows the current style to work. Understated in some ways but also very consistent. He’s probably on a fair whack, so could be someone who may not be here next year (is he on a 2 year deal with a follow on or a 3? I can’t remember) but we’ll be pushed to find somebody as fluid and calm as him.

Greg Doherty C

What else could he do? He wasn’t really going to play. Again, somebody will sign a really good footballer and good character. His contribution to our title winning season should not be forgotten.

Adama Traore C-

Took a step backwards this year. Failed to impress despite getting lots of chances. His miss against Leeds will haunt me forever. His contract is up and I think we bid him farewell.

Regan Slater B

Could have put him down as a defender. Does any job that needs doing. Got some flack for the penalty against Leeds that I thought was unjust. We need 11 Regan Slaters on the pitch in terms of industry and application. He’s such a valuable commodity for the club. More power to him.

Scott Twine C-

Arrived to great acclaim. Didn’t fulfil this. Did a couple of bits, scored a nice free kick. But just wasn’t impactful. Looked like what he now is, an average Bristol City midfielder. Wasn’t missed.

Abdul Omur B+

Bright and made impact, was a joy to watch at times. Was an outstanding signing in January and you had to pinch yourself to remind yourself he’s our player. His touch and vision in the top third might be as good as we have. All that and he’s not really had time to adjust to his new surroundings yet. Would be a sneaky good bet for next year’s awards.


Liam Delap B+

Most everything you’d want in a number 9. Mobile, strong, can finish, will run hard. His absence probably in all likeliness meant we missed the play offs as we didn’t, or couldn’t seem to replace him. If Man City are selling I guess it’s unlikely we’ll be able to match the Premier League clubs that will have seen a Premier League player this season.

Aaron Connolly C+

I guess we’ll have to wait for a decade until he does “Undr the cosh”. Came in on a one-year deal which seemed odd, but when he was good, he was very good (see Stoke away). Does he have demons? Is he a bad egg? Hard to tell but he was persona non grata for the back end of the year. He’ll be off now and has as good as said his goodbyes. There’s a player in there. We just didn’t see enough of it.

Noah Ohio B-

Came in towards the end and scored a couple of big goals. Was more of an impact sub. I felt at times his touch was a little wayward for this level, but he did work hard and popped up in some good places. Could he be back? It wouldn’t shock me. Will depend on who comes in.

Anass Zaroury C

Came in to much promise and good reports from Burnley fans. Huffed and puffed but struggled to make impact. Did score a couple but the false nine experiment didn’t really work. Can’t see he’ll be back, but he’ll be nailed on to score a 25 yard screamer at the K.Com for Wooden Seats FC in 24-25.

Fabio Cavalho A-

One of those players that meant you to check to make sure you weren’t in some sort of a fever dream or the subject of an elaborate hoax because you really were witnessing him. He shouldn’t play for us surely? I thought overall, he more than played his part, scoring some cracking goals and leading the attack. A special, special talent that unless city have garnered the power of hypnotism, won’t be back.

Jaden Philogene B+

Was incredible pre-injury and on for player of the season. Got hurt and when he returned he was more hit and miss. People got in a tizzy because he didn’t clap enough, but I felt that was much ado about nothing. Next to Greaves he’s our most sellable asset and there’s every chance he won’t be a clapping a Premier League club’s fans next season.

Billy Sharp D

I’ll try to be kind. As Frankie Howard said, “it’s wicked to mock the afflicted”. The most puzzling signing of the season. Two years ago maybe, but not now. Was no doubt a really good player to have in the group and an example but wasn’t actually any real use on the pitch. Brought in to score goals. He didn’t.

Thanks for reading. I had to go through a big edit post-Liam’s departure but hopefully it’s ok. Pop your hate tweets on @thelikesofhull on twitter. I hope you all have fun googling random foreign gaffers in the next week and trying to follow where planes are flying. As the Paul Whitehouse character used to say in the Fast Show. “Does anyone fancy a pint?” Enjoy the summer… UTT.